Saturday 4 October 2014

Fantasy Life (Nintendo 3DS Game)

The brand new RPG adventure from renowned developer level 5!
From the creators of Professor Layton and the Dragon Quest series comes a charming adventure RPG that seamlessly melds together some of the best aspects of Animal Crossing, Pokémon X & Y, Harvest Moon, Rune Factory, and Dragon Quest. Choose from an exciting selection of 'lives' and live life to the full!

Get a life… or 12 of them!
Fantasy Life is a vast, engaging adventure game that allows players to choose from 12 lives before earning their license and going on a myriad of quests. You can see all 12 lives in the image over on the right. From a Magician to a Cook, and a Tailor to a Mercenary, there's something in there for everyone!

Life sim + RPG = Fantasy Life
Each character can be customised and levelled-up, through battle and experience, as can your house and your life options. Earn Bliss points through helping townsfolk in order to expand your home and even get a pet! Earn respect from your peers in order to unlock new conversations and gateways to new areas.

Lead your life your way
You control how complex your life is; if you want to stroll around, chat to people and collect items, then that's ok. If you'd rather complete every task and mission going in order to level-up your character and complete every element of the game, that's ok too. It's your life... lead it your way!
Team up with friends
The European release of the game also features a fantastic, funny translation and multiplayer and network features that appeared in an updated version of the Japanese release. Link mode allows three players to play together; two players join a third player's game and head off on quests together. It's a great way to share a fantastic adventure and also the perfect way to show off your creations in all their glory!

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